How is Neuromarketing born?

2 min readJun 23, 2023


Neuromarketing arises from understanding the emotions that bind a consumer to a brand.

This approach to the consumer was created to join traditional marketing strategies and not replace them.

Each customer has an opinion on a brand or a single product.

As the Statista statistics stand out, 36.4% of consumers consult between 1 and 3 reviews before purchasing.

These data represent an increase compared to 2019.

For their part, 31% prefer to consult between four and six opinions.

One of the options available to the brand owner is to eliminate negative reviews.

However, there is an even more effective way to understand the potential customer’s reactions to the new marketed proposals.

In this way, he will be able to identify a creative plan that can meet the needs of the future consumer.

This is the goal with which neuromarketing techniques are born, to understand customers’ behavior towards a service or brand.

To do it, experts examine the unconscious processes occurring in customers’ minds; likewise, they observe how they affect their purchase decision or emotional engagement with the brand.

When was Neuromarketing born?

Neuromarketing was formally born in 2002 by Ale Smidts, Professor of Marketing Research at the Rotterdam School of Management.

However, the first experiment in neuromarketing history dates back to the early 2000s.

Read Montague, a neuroscientist at the Virginia Tech Carillon Research Institute conducts a study on the brand identity of Pepsi and Coca-Cola.

The scientist divided the study participants into two groups and made them drink the two drinks in identical glasses; only the first group did not know what they were drinking.

The goal was to understand how users liked it, not only for the product itself but also for the brand’s perception.

The result? The first group, unfamiliar with the soda brand, liked Pepsi the most; in the second, the brand’s perception over the product itself prevailed, and therefore preferred Coca-Cola.




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